It is no secret that western men are completely fascinated with Asian women. Most of the brides have charmed their way into men’s hearts to an extent that almost all relationships have had a happy ending. What is it about these brides that make them ideal partners? How can you meet and date them successfully? Read on for details:
Are Asian women the best wives?
These women are wonderful wives who are always willing to support their husbands in difficult situations. As a man, you’ll always know that he’ll have a woman who’s always there for you. And every man dreams of having a wife who’s both a friend and a partner. And, Asian brides combine the two roles perfectly. They’re real friends for their husbands and are never satisfied until their husbands are happy.

The ultimate goal of many dating sprees is to find a good wife or life’s partner. Asian women provide you with the assurance that the joys and twists of your relationship will lead to a happy marriage.
Asian beauties make the best wives for several reasons. First, these women are ready to play traditional roles such as raising disciplined children, keeping the home clean and neat, and preparing mouth-watering exotic dishes. They let the man take the leadership role, creating the much-coveted harmony and order in a family.
Second, Asian girls are as loyal and supportive as good wives should be. You will always be in good hands, you can take all your secrets to the grave. When difficult times emerge, your wife will stand right by your side, helping you figure things out. These brides take the phrase “for better or worse” seriously.
Third, Asian women are a perfect description of a trophy wife due to their stunning looks. It will not hurt to create a new life with a beautiful woman with outstanding facial features, long dark hair, and a figure to die for. These girls keep looking good for ages because they know the art of taking care of body, soul, and spirit.
Fourth, Asian women are glad to play their roles as a wife. They do not raise a family and keep a home welcoming because they have to. Rather, they enjoy the entire process and do not need to be pushed around to do much more. Seeing you and the kids being on top of your game is always their pride and joy.
Do You Really Buy An Asian Wife?
The idea of buying Asian women is mythical. These brides willingly create online profiles aiming to meet foreign men like you. Money is not exchanged in the deal, but rather, two consenting adults are involved in creating a life that they always wanted. In fact, the Asian mail order bride service is a legitimate business that ensures men end up with women that they actually adore. It responds to the need of people who want to try their luck in marrying a foreigner without having to travel to other countries.
Nonetheless, Asian cultures mandate men take the responsibility of facilitating the process of meeting their life partner. You should prepare to foot several bills including paying for meals, sending over some gifts, processing travel documents, and phone calls. As the gentleman that you are, ensuring that your wife-to-be is as comfortable as possible is not too much to ask for.
The Most Common Myths about Asian Women
Various myths about Asian brides have been told over and over until it starts to sound truthful. One of them is that the women are not educated. For this reason, some westerners avoid marrying them for the fear that they will struggle to fit in among their elite friends. This cannot be further from the truth. While these girls may struggle to spell some English words, they are educated to college levels and have thriving careers in their countries. Don’t be surprised that your gorgeous wife-to-be has been a successful engineer or doctor for years.
Additionally, Asian women are said to have the same personality, preferences, and culture. Asia is a big continent, with diverse cultures and ethnicities. A girl living in China does not share the same culture with another from a different part of the continent. Their personality traits are also different. This assures you that you will get a woman with the particular qualities that you have been searching for.
You must not buy into the lie that Asian girls are weak and passive. The modern Asian girl knows what she wants and will chase their dreams when given a chance. This tells you that she must have thought carefully about dating foreign men before setting up a profile on a dating site. She will also play traditional roles voluntarily because she attaches high value to family life.
The idea of Asian women marrying foreign men just to get a green card is mythical. Most of the girls are genuinely interested in foreign men and are ready to commit to a long-term relationship. In fact, they are not overly obsessed with leaving their home country because they have close ties with their family members. Their marriage to a foreigner is based on pure attraction to and love for their partner.
What Is So Special About the Appearance of Asian Women?
Asian women have an alluring and striking physical look that keeps men glued to them and other women wishing they were born in Asia. This can be explained by the following:
Exotic and unique facial features
A central or an East Asian bride is blessed with slanted dark eyes, high cheekbones, medium broad nose, and monolids. South Asians facial features include short foreheads, full lips, large brown or dark eyes, and long pointed noses. West Asians’ facial features tend to resemble those of southern Europeans such as Greek. The longer noses and oval faces tend to betray their exotic and inviting look. No matter the region they come from, the brides’ hair is almost always long, dark, and straight.
Hot and fit bodies
Asian women’s bodies are extremely hot and sexy. You will love their perfectly toned and flawless skin that the girls may or may not show depending on your stage of dating. These girls are also privileged to have a well-shaped and fit figure, an aspect that every other girl in the world covets. These girls are also aware of the outfits that work for their body shape and occasion.
The special ingredient to all the hotness and fitness is that they look great for ages. While other girls lose their entire beauty element in their 40s and 50s, the Asian women keep glowing for years. Asian culture provides Asian beauties a rare chance to learn beauty secrets early in life and will religiously keep them even after years of marriage. For instance, you will rarely find an Asian woman exposing her skin to the sun because she knows the irreversible damage caused by the UV rays.
Rest assured that hot Asian women will be the first to suggest exercising or a change of diet when your family seems to be falling off the fitness wagon. You must put in mind that the Asian cuisine includes fish instead of red meat, herbs and green teas instead of alcoholic beverages, and fresh ingredients instead of refrigerated food. Chances of being overweight and laden with cardiovascular conditions are low in this regard.
They are natural and casual
In a time when women are trying too hard to look good, an Asian woman is spared from the pain and cost of it. They are naturally beautiful. You will notice that the girls tend to wear their hair naturally rather than processing it or wearing a wig. She is also not obsessed with altering their nose or adding fillers to her lips. With or without makeup, your Asian wife will always stand out. You will also be drawn to their casual outlook of life.
Tips for Dating Asian Women
Dating sexy Asian women necessitates that you identify with their unique needs and meet them accordingly. Indeed, you must appreciate that cultural differences determine the rules of the dating game. The first aspect on your to-do-list in dating is that you must be straightforward. Boldness, decisiveness, and being a matter-of-fact man are some of the most desired qualities for these brides. They are also shy and may not have the courage to let you know how she feels from the onset.
Also, you must not be forceful to earn an Asian woman’s trust. They expect you to respect their needs and feelings rather than push her to do whatever you will. While you should state that you are serious about dating her and building a life with her, you must also allow her enough time to know you and make the decision.
Being a gentleman has never hurt any foreigner dating Asian women. Be prepared to compliment her, buy her meaningful gifts, check up on her every other time, and listen when she is pouring out her heart to you. If your relationship matures to the point where meeting her is inevitable, you must be willing to facilitate the process, pay the bills, and open doors.
Being kind to your potential in-laws is always expected when dating an Asian woman. These girls value family life and will want to involve their relations in such an important such as dating and marriage. It may mean using language that shows that you truly care about the woman and dressing up the part when meeting them.
More so, you must respect an Asian bride’s culture. Most of them are protective of their culture and you should too. Making comments that demean your potential wife’s culture does not get you into their good books. For this reason, learning a few things about the norms and values could help you define the boundaries.
Also, focusing on knowing your bride’s personality may be helpful than trying too hard to demystify cultural issues. Appreciate that your bride has special interests, hobbies, likes, and dislikes, and that she will be happy to make adjustments if you demonstrate that you are respectful.
Advantages of Beautiful Asian Women
Although you have many options when finding the love of your life, you stand a chance to be happier and better if you date an Asian bride. Here are some of the reasons:
Asian girls are sophistication and grace
All the fights that you have had with your past lovers will be over if you date Asian women. These girls are too sophisticated to ruin their relationships over small issues. They will be graceful when you err and work with you to find a solution to any trouble. Never will you hear that your dirty laundry is being aired in public if you marry an Asian beauty.
Better still, Asian princesses know the value of modesty in dressing. It is particularly important when meeting and interacting with close relations or business associates. Revealing all of their skin to your friends is unheard of. At the same time, they know how to keep you intrigued by choosing the right fabric and fit.
Asian women are ahead of others in the dating scene because of their willingness to pursue broad interests. Throw in a topic about the latest technology or economic development and your Asian women will school you with grace. They know what is happening in social circles and corporate life.
It is also worth noting that an Asian woman can be successful and will not try too hard to prove it in a relationship. She will not keep pulling the success card when you are trying to enjoy a meal with friends. A girl holding a masters degree and running a successful business will let you pull a chair, help out with luggage, and hand over your jacket without feeling weak or conflicted.
Tenderness and patience
If you are the kind of person that believes that relationships should be defined by warmth and intense affection, then the Asian women are the way to go. These brides know how and when to talk to their husbands. They are patient when things don’t turn out as you expected.
You are assured that Asian beauties stick with you through thick and thin. No matter where the wind of life blows, your wife will not pack her bags and leave you, like others do. Having such an assurance gives you the stability that you need to build a happy life.
Optimism and good sense of humor
Asian brides are known to remain hopeful even in the darkest of days in marriage. They can see a silver life when other women are seeing doom and gloom in life. Studies show that optimistic spouses tend to exhibit healthy behaviors. For instance, your Asian wife will be more active than a pessimistic spouse sitting in their backyard feeling hopeless and overwhelmed. She is also proactive enough to identify health issues in the family and find solutions.
The optimistic side of Asian girls is coupled with a great sense of humor. They will laugh at situations while at the same time looking for the best way forward for your family. Marrying the fascinating girls means fewer cloudy days in life. Mark Twain, the greatest writer of all time, affirms that “humor is mankind’s greatest blessing”. This tells you that you will have a free ticket to the club of blessed people if you marry an Asian woman.
Your second half
An Asian woman is always looking out for your interests. You can be comfortable knowing that your wife is not out to compete with you but instead, she will make decisions that will bring you joy and happiness.
Being a second half almost means that an Asian woman is more inclined towards friendship rather than a nagging or demanding partner. She is looking out for you and hoping that you can thrive in everything you do. Don’t be surprised when every venture you touch becomes gold if you marry these girls. Without a doubt, men marrying from this continent know that behind their success is a passionate, supportive, and caring sexy Asian woman.
With Asian women, you do not need to snoop around to find evidence of your partners’ infidelity. In fact, these girls are truly interested in dating a foreign man. You will not have to go on a roller coaster of convincing her that she should date you or start a family. This does not mean that you should not play your part to make her feel safe and loved. It simply implies that an Asian girl who likes you will be with you for life.
Spirituality plays an important role in an Asian brides’ life. As such, your girl will not avoid cheating because of the fear of being caught. Rather, she fervently commits to relationships because she believes it is the right thing to do.
High level of education
Asian girls are intelligent and smart. They excel in all subjects and are able to handle any job you throw their way. This means that your life’s partner will make decisions that promote your welfare and can make life work with very little. She is also capable of assisting you financially if you agree that pursuing a career will work for your family.
Family comfort
You will always want to go back home if you find a suitable partner from Asia. These girls put their family first rather than career or pride. You could pursue all your professional goals knowing that your wife will take care of your kids and keep a good relationship with all relatives.
Furthermore, beautiful Asian women know how to keep a relationship interesting. She will wear the type of dress that makes you yearn for more and cook a good meal that warms your heart. The gorgeous girl is sociable enough to keep and make friends wherever she goes. This healthy way of living is barely known by men dating from other cultures.
How to Make Asian Wives Date Perfectly
Meeting a beautiful an Asian wife is just one step towards having a fulfilling relationship or marriage. You must make an effort to make your wife interested in you and create a functional relationship for many years to come. One of the things that you must do is to keep the conversation going. It gives you a chance to know your potential wife better.
Stating your expectations in a relationship is a critical element in building an amazing life with your partner. How would you love your woman’s dress? What kinds of foods tickle your taste buds? How many kids would you expect from a long-lasting marriage? Where do you wish to live? Answering these questions ensures that your Asian wife-to-be is prepared to meet all your needs satisfactorily.
More so, you may want to reassure an Asian woman of your commitment to the relationship by meeting her relatives. Remember that family’s approval is vital in the culture. Meeting her relatives and bonding with means that your girl will be confident enough to let go of her fears and totally embrace anew with you.
Besides meeting her family, you must be careful not to ask for something that is financially, emotionally, and socially straining to your wife. Ensure that she has everything needed to make both of your lives comfortable and blissful. Take the initiative of buying lingerie, a bottle of champagne, a kitchen appliance, or a ticket to Paris and you will be merry for many days to come.
Why Do Men Prefer Asian Women For Marriage Over Others?
Although the population of women is always higher than men in any country, most men would rather go all the way to Asia for a wife. This can be explained by five main reasons. First, men want an assurance that they will not have to deal with the complications of divorce in their lives.

Factually, the divorce rates among Asians are low because it is not an option from the get-go. The goal is always that of creating a peaceful home environment where everyone can thrive regardless of the challenges in the external environment. On the other hand, women from other cultures walk into marriage with the notion that they can walk away if it gets a little tough.
Second, men love to have classy and beautiful women by their side. While many women are born beautiful, not all of them make efforts to stay beautiful. Asian women go beyond relying on their incredible beautiful genes to maintain a lifestyle that keeps them looking stunning forever.
Third, men love Asian women because they know how to prioritize issues of life. They are not overly leaning on the side of making corporate deals that they forget to put their families first. An Asian woman will let go of a lucrative job deal if it means leaving their husbands and kids. This is enough to make a man leave other brides and marry an Asian girl.
Fourth, men are drawn to women who can respect them enough to allow them to make important decisions in a relationship and professional life. Asian women have seen their mothers do this over and over that it has become a norm in their minds. Without competition to take leadership in a relationship, chances of thriving are high.
Fifth, a majority of men love to be comforted and loved unconditionally. Asian women do not ask for more than a man can bear. They are also not asking for material things to love a man. Once they decide to commit to a relationship, providing a man with everything that is required for comfort and affection becomes essential. Other women have tons of conditions that men find difficult to fulfill and still have time to appreciate the romantic side of life.
How Does Marriage Influence Your Life In Asia?
Marriage is on top of the most important things in life for Asian women. In fact, it is seen as one of the things that women have to accomplish. It means that life is centered on marriage rather than pursuing a career or making money. This explains why many Asian beauties get married early in life.
In a study conducted by Pew Research Center in 2012, 67% of Asian American women indicated that marriage is one of the most important things in life. More so, the study reveals that close 80% of the Asian American children are raised in a two parent household. These percentages are higher when compared to American families.
A range of activities are done to prepare Asian women for marriage at an early age. For example, young girls are taught to enjoy preparing meals for large families so that they can replicate the same in the future. They are also equipped with skills necessary for survival during hard times. For instance, a Vietnamese girl brought up in a rural setting is more capable of taking care of pets (and animals in general) than women from the American suburbs. It means that she can endure the hardships of family life.
Getting children at an early age is always a part of an Asian woman’s to-do-list. While it may be seen as an inconvenience in many cultures across the globe, many Asian women do not see it as so. They are aware that fertility issues could stand between them and starting a family if they keep pushing the idea of marriage aside. The best thing is that a young Asian girl getting several children at an early age snaps back into shape almost immediately. A man marrying such a girl can count himself lucky since he gets to keep a family and a hot wife for the rest of his life.
Remarkably, while marriage among Asian women has taken a liberal angle in the modern world, there is still an element of traditionalism that pushes for a “marry first, then fall in love later” attitude. For example, reference is made to the Chinese Confucian philosophy, which encourages arranged marriages and distinct roles among couples. It makes sense that your bride, coming from such a culture, is willing to commit to a relationship early enough.
How Does An Asian Woman Solve Matrimonial Problems?
Problems are bound to rise in marriage, even when you marry from Asia. However, you willingness to solve them, as well as your attitude and approach, will determine whether you can move past the issue quickly. This is a piece of cake for sexy Asian women. These girls have perfected the art of solving family-related issues in a way that leaves everyone happy and fulfilled.

An Asian bride does not go from house to house trying to find solutions that can otherwise be found through candid conversations between man and his wife. She will find the right time to raise difficult questions and calmly try to find the way forward. With respect, compassion, and understanding being a part of the solution-finding cocktail, you are bound to love your woman even more after resolving the problem.
Calling the authorities and involving the criminal justice system is that last resort for Asian women. While many of them will not tolerate violence and other forms of abuse, they try as much as possible to limit interference from third parties. Not to forget, she will have disciplined children well enough to respect the man of the house and thus avoid all the struggles of inviting authorities to solve domestic issues.
An Asian woman comes from a collectivist society that requires a consideration of other people’s feelings in problem-solving. These beauties want to make sure that all interests and opinions are heard before rushing into decisions or conclusions. This explains why the thought of taking self-centered stands is strange to their minds.
Summing up: Asian Women versus American Women
Certainly, you cannot make the mistake of choosing American women over Asian women. Entrusting your affairs to an Asian woman who will do everything within their power to make your life easy and satisfying is a smart decision. Asian girls will amaze you with their dedication to family life, healthy living, and a romantic relationship.
You could easily forget the conversations about attaining financial independence and being in charge of every detail of life that define American women’s life. The thought that a woman can raise her voice and challenge you publicly will never define your life. Instead, you and your Asian wife will escape into a world of great tranquility, unending support, and limitless passion on a day to day basis.